The Yearbook of European Integration is published by the Publisher of the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Its first issue was published in 2007. The main purpose of the journal is to create a place for the presentation of the state of research on the process of European integration. The Yearbook also provides a forum for the exchange of views for those involved in European studies. Successive issues of the Yearbook publish the results of ongoing research in the following thematic areas: law, domestic policy, economy, foreign policy, security, defense, history of integration, society, culture. The editors strive to ensure that the tests are selected in such a way as to provide an opportunity to confront the research methods, concepts and theoretical approaches used.
Reviews and discussions appear in each issue of the Yearbook. The editors wish to draw attention to important publications on European integration appearing on the publishing market.
The authors of the texts are Polish and foreign researchers from various academic centers. Preference is given to texts in congressional languages. Authors are asked to read the guidelines for authors of texts. The journal benefits from the support of language editors in proofreading texts in English, Russian and German.
The editorial board wishes to guarantee a high level of publication. All articles, after initial formal verification, go through the review stage. The texts are sent to external reviewers cooperating with the journal’s editorial board. The condition for publication is a positive assessment by the reviewers and the consent of the editorial board to include the text in the next issue of the Yearbook. The journal has introduced a procedure to eliminate the practices of “ghost authorship” and “guest authorship.”
The journal is published in electronic and print versions. The electronic version is the primary version of the journal.
The editorial board of the scientific journal "Yearbook of European Integration" ISSN 1899-6256 invites collaboration and submission of scientific articles, reviews and discussions on the following thematic areas: law, domestic policy, economy, foreign policy, security, defense, history of integration, society and culture.
The journal is indexed in the Index Copernicus database. Full versions of articles published in the journal are available on the PRESSTO platform, in the AMUR repository and in the reference database CEEOL, BazHum, CEJSH, PBN Pol-Index, EBSCO, World Cat. We are also indexed in the DOAJ database.
In June 2015, the journal was included in the ERIH Plus list.
The Yearbook of European Integration (ISSN: 1899-6256) has passed the evaluation process and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for 2021. Based on the verification of information from the evaluation questionnaire and the analysis of the journal's 2021 issues, the Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2021 has been set at 100 points. The designated score can be seen on the 2021 ICI Journals Master List.
We are pleased to announce that the "Yearbook of European Integration" has been included in the list of scored journals compiled by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Authors will receive 40 points for publishing a scientific text in the pages of our journal.
The Open Access policy adopted by the scientific journal Yearbook of European Integration is based on the belief that the basis for the development of science is openness. It aims to enable authors to increase citability of scientific works by posting electronic versions of published articles in reference databases, in scientific repositories scientific repositories and on websites. Natychmiastowe rozpowszechnianie wyników badań przyczynia się do wzrostu nowej wiedzy i zwiększonego wpływu prowadzonych badań na rozwój nauki. Z tego powodu czasopismo „Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej” zdecydowało się na zastosowanie najlepszych praktyk i standardów w otwartym dostępie zgodnie z zasadami DOAJ. OPEN ACCESS POLICY
The texts published in the journal "Yearbook of European Integration European Integration" and made available in PDF format are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 (Creative Commons - Attribution). Copying and distribution is permitted subject to attribution of authorship. Adaptations must be shared under the same terms.
The journal "Yearbook of European Integration" received financial support from funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education earmarked for science dissemination activities (Agreement no. 537/P-DUN/2017, task 4. Preparation of original issues of the journal "Yearbook of European Integration" in English in order to increase the international impact of the journal). The implementation of the project covers the years 2017 and 2018
The journal "Yearbook of European Integration" received financial support
from funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (Umowa nr
667/P-DUN/2018, zadanie 4. Zwiększenie liczby recenzentów zagranicznych
czasopisma "Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej").
Realizacja projektu obejmuje lata 2018 i 2019
The journal "Yearbook of European Integration" received funding from funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the programme "Support for scientific journals" based on contract No. 260/WCN/2019/1 from August 5, 2019.
The implementation of the project covers the years 2019 and 2020
The journal "Yearbook of European Integration" has received funding from the Ministry of Education and Science under the program "Development of Scientific Journals" under contract No. RCN/SP/0137/2021/1. Implementation of the project covers the years 2022 and 2023.
Please be informed that the Editorial Board of the Yearbook of European Integration uses a traditional and electronic manuscript submission system. Authors are encouraged to submit articles traditionally by email or through the PRESSTO platform (https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/rie/about/submissions).
In connection with the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science to cease cooperation with the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, and following the recommendation of the Program Council of the Scientific Publishing House of the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism of the Adam Mickiewicz University, the editors of the journal Political Review have decided to suspend scientific contacts with scientists affiliated with the Russian Federation. This decision means the suspension of the activity of scientists from the Russian Federation:
Each year, the Academic Publishing House of the Department of Political Science and Journalism publishes from a dozen to several dozen book publications. Books and scientific journals can be ordered via e-mail.